Love for work@home in times of crisis, episode #4

  • Posted on: 18 March 2020
  • By: lucas

First lesson learned in the times of CoVid-19: Life can change so extremely quickly…If I think now about what my worries and “misfortunes” looked like two, three weeks ago...Oh Gosh! Some of them were rather trivial, I have to admit.

Therefore, second lesson learned: Carpe Diem!

…And that’s what I’m doing. Trying to find the tiniest bits of joy around me and taking wise advantage of them (Yet, I am also working…don’t worry!)

Let me proudly introduce you to my new office and my new hobbies: Geoprocessing with Python (Yes! Now I find some extra time to explore!!); Dutch (nowadays an absolute MUST, to be able to better understand parliament discussions :)) and music sheets…Back to singing lessons (online, of course!). Thanks, Rolf for your help with the latter (neighbours may not be as thankful, though)

Miss you all!
Stay safe
Kind regards


Love for work@home in times of crisis, episode #3

  • Posted on: 18 March 2020
  • By: girgin

Another sunny day at Enschede, and of course another great day to work from home! I think most of you just started to get used to it. In my case, it is more than two weeks now; so it is becoming more and more the "normal". It is unfortunate to say hello to you all like this, instead of in person. I also couldn't say goodbye in person to my colleagues at European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) (Ispra, Italy) where I was working for more than 8 years. It is really an extraordinary period of our lives. But it will pass; hopefully soon! So please consider this short post as a warm "Hello!" at a distance. I'm looking forward to meet you soon!

One thing that can make your life easier while working at home is to setup a proper working environment as soon as possible, which might be trickier than it sounds. I had to leave my house in Italy very quickly (in half an hour), so I didn't have the chance to bring everything with me. When I started to work at home in Enschede, all I had was a 10" Tablet and a small keyboard. To be honest it worked well for some time, but it was not easy to read and develop on such a small screen (as you can see in the first photo). So my eyes inevitably catched the TV standing at the corner. It was big, not in-use (as I was alone in quarantine as a preventive measure), and the tablet had an HDMI port, so it was possible to use it as a monitor! A very big one! Luckily the table was also big enough to place it. Problem solved :) I was very happy. At least for a while... Because, you know a TV is a TV; eventually it is to watch movies or news, not to stay in front at a close distance for hours and hours... On Monday when Funda (my wife, she also works at ITC) told me that ITC is closing its doors, the first thing I asked her was whether she can take her monitor out! Not surprisingly, she became one of the many salvaging their plants and monitors from their offices :) There was also a bonus: normal-sized keyboard. Being tried both extremities, I can easily tell you that to have a normal monitor really helps you to enjoy working at home (also protects the identities -not tails- of shy family members). I hope you had the chance to take all your desktop equipment from your office. It makes a difference!

With this, I want to give the floor to Rania for tomorrow's post.

Take care and stay healthy,

