Love for work@home in times of crisis, episode #4

  • Posted on: 18 March 2020
  • By: lucas

First lesson learned in the times of CoVid-19: Life can change so extremely quickly…If I think now about what my worries and “misfortunes” looked like two, three weeks ago...Oh Gosh! Some of them were rather trivial, I have to admit.

Therefore, second lesson learned: Carpe Diem!

…And that’s what I’m doing. Trying to find the tiniest bits of joy around me and taking wise advantage of them (Yet, I am also working…don’t worry!)

Let me proudly introduce you to my new office and my new hobbies: Geoprocessing with Python (Yes! Now I find some extra time to explore!!); Dutch (nowadays an absolute MUST, to be able to better understand parliament discussions :)) and music sheets…Back to singing lessons (online, of course!). Thanks, Rolf for your help with the latter (neighbours may not be as thankful, though)

Miss you all!
Stay safe
Kind regards
