munich - MSc Topics

Simplification and aggregation of vector building footprints using deep learning models

To learn a map generalization model for building footprint simplification and aggregation with deep learning, and to proper encode and learn polygon geometries

Dashboard design for urban energy performance

develop conceptual models and practical examples for the implementation of a City Energy Performance Dashboard in the contextual background of energy transition

Sense-Making of Point Clouds for Easy Visual Interpretation

The goal of this thesis is to establish a visualization pipeline for pre-classified point clouds in order to make visual representations of LiDAR data easily un

Cartography 2.0? Limits and possibilities of designing tourism maps with the support of ChatGPT

In this topic, the possibilities and limitations of the influence of new AI solutions will be examined and researched in order to support and promote cartograph

Slum Mapping toward SDG 11 using urban morphology and topology

The goal of this thesis is to develop a spatial mapping approach for slums toward SDG 11 using urban morphology and topology technique.

Investigating the Impact of Label Placement on Spatial Knowledge Acquisition in Mixed Reality Environments

The goal of this thesis is to investigate the impact of label placement in mixed reality environments, identifying optimal strategies that enhance spatial knowl

Evaluating the Influence of Virtual Object Density on Spatial Learning in Indoor Mixed Reality

The goal of this thesis is to quantify the perceived complexity and cognitive load caused by virtual symbol and label density and evaluate their influence on th

From leaves to forests: How to map stress in plants due to climate change

To develop interactive maps at different scales (spatial, temporal, and spectral) highlighting the condition and the factors that produce stress in plants resul

Risks in Active Mobility: Identification, Knowledge Extraction and Visual Communication

The goal of this thesis is to explore and identify the risk factors of active mobility in urban environments with multi-source data, extract the knowledge there

Analysis of editing behavior patterns of building footprints in OpenStreetMap

To analyze user editing patterns, e.g., user focus of geospatial extent, editing frequency.

Instance Segmentation for Area Feature Extraction from Historical Map Scans

Develop and evaluate an instance segmentation approach for the extraction of area features from historical map scans and investigate the scalability.

Improving Users' Depth Perception in Mixed Reality

This thesis aims to incorporate visual effects to facilitate depth perception in Mixed Reality (MR).

Ground sensor-based mapping to estimate Snow cover fraction area

To develop a semi-automatic mapping tool able to calculate the snow cover fraction area at a small scale.
