Mapping the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and revealing uncertainty


Visualizing data uncertainty


The United Nations (UN) has identified a set of seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in an effort to collectively address social and environmental challenges facing our world. These goals related to social, economic and environmental challenges and provide a framework for shared action. Each of the seventeen goals has a set of targets and indicators to show how close or far each country is to meeting each goal.

To achieve these goals, governments and people need to understand each challenge, and monitor progress towards alleviating it. There is a lot of uncertainty associated with how data are collected, what data represent, no data, changes in data collection practices over time, political uncertainty. More research is needed to experiment with how to communicate this uncertainty to map readers. For this project, we aim to come up with creative ways to visualize different types of data uncertainty.


  • MacEachren, A. M., R..E. Roth et al (2012) Visual semiotics and uncertainty visualization: an empirical study. IEEE Transactions on visualization and computer Graphics vol. 8, no. 2, pp.2496-2505

  • ICSU/ISSC (2017) Review of targets for the sustainable development goals: the science perspective

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