
Why Science Isn't Broken

A long but very worthwhile read, especially for our students and PhD candidates. Explains convincingly why science is not broken, but what some of the pitfalls are. Plus some interesting interactive "game" to prove that your favorite party is good for the economy. And some football facts.

Science from and for citizens

“Atomium Culture (AC) brings together some of the most authoritative universities, newspapers and businesses in Europe in the first intersectoral platform to promote knowledge sharing and “out of the box” thinking on issues regarding the development of a European knowledge society”

AC has recently started a special initiative for citizen engagement which aims at assessing “how media can engage the public at large in a two-way dialogue about science-related issues in order to develop a more participatory way to develop science policy at European level.”

Jenks in JavaScript and some wisdome about Some Sciencists

  • Posted on: 23 February 2013
  • By: köbben

I came across this interesting blog looking for a JavaScript implementation of the Jenks algorithm for calculating natural breaks. Found an excellent implementation, but also an interesting look into how some Scientists (mis)treat history: Apparently the existing implementations were all based on a first implementation in Fortran IV, which was uncommented, and the original paper by Jenks was never publicly published...!
