Google again: discover scientific datasets

Natasha Noy, a research scientist at Google AI wrote today (Sept. 5): "In today's world, scientists in many disciplines and a growing number of journalists live and breathe data. There are many thousands of data repositories on the web, providing access to millions of datasets; and local and national governments around the world publish their data as well. To enable easy access to this data, we launched Dataset Search, so that scientists, data journalists, data geeks, or anyone else can find the data required for their work and their stories, or simply to satisfy their intellectual curiosity." (see here for more info).

Like Google Scholar, I think that this will be a really useful service for many of us. I also think that we should read the guidelines for submitting a dataset (see here), and then see if we can contribute to this service. In my case, we just published an article on the development and analysis of spring plant phenology products (36 years of 1-km grids over the conterminous US), so I will certainly explore how to use this new service to share our products).

Oh, and the link to this new service is here.